

This compressor merges screw and piston technologies, providing versatile performance for diverse industrial needs. It’s known for its ability to handle a wide range of flow rates and pressures.

What Is Screw + Piston Combined Compressors?

This compressor merges screw and piston technologies, providing versatile performance for diverse industrial needs. It’s known for its ability to handle a wide range of flow rates and pressures.

  • Type: Electrical Drive /Diesel Driven
  • Inlet Pressure:   Atmosphere
  • Discharge Pressure: Up to 50Mpa
  • Flow rate: ~5000Nm3/h
  • 防爆控制柜和风冷/水冷式控制柜可根据客户要求定制
  • Motor Power: 15KW-400KW
  • Gas Medium:  Air

Types of Screw+Piston Compressor

Why Screw+Piston Combined Compressor

Screw piston compressors, also known as hybrid compressors, combine the advantages of screw compressors and reciprocating piston compressors. This unique design leads to a versatile range of applications:

1. Natural Gas Compression:

  • CNG Refueling Stations: Efficiently compresses natural gas for vehicle refueling, offering a balance of flow rate and pressure.
  • Pipeline Boosting: Used in natural gas pipelines to maintain pressure and ensure efficient transport.
  • Gas Storage: Suitable for compressing natural gas for storage in underground caverns or high-pressure tanks.
  • Flare Gas Recovery: Recovers and compresses flare gas from oil and gas operations, reducing emissions and increasing efficiency.

2. Industrial Gas Compression:

  • Process Gas Compression: Handles various process gases, including nitrogen, argon, and helium, for chemical and industrial applications.
  • Air Separation Plants: Provides compressed air for air separation units, producing nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.
  • Power Generation: Supplies compressed air for gas turbines and other power generation equipment. 
  • Manufacturing: Used in various manufacturing processes, including metalworking, plastics production, and food and beverage processing.

3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:

  • Industrial Refrigeration: Provides high-pressure refrigerant compression for large-scale refrigeration systems.
  • Air Conditioning Systems: Used in some large-scale air conditioning systems, offering efficient and reliable performance.

4. Other Applications:

  • Research and Development: Used in laboratories and research facilities for various gas compression applications.
  • Military and Aerospace: Provides compressed air for military and aerospace applications, including aircraft maintenance and missile systems.

The working principle of a screw piston compressor can be divided into two main stages: the screw compression stage and the piston compression stage.

  1. Screw Compression Stage:
    • Low-pressure gas enters the screw compressor section first.
    • The screw rotors rotate, and the gas is pre-compressed by the reduction of the volume between the rotor lobes.
    • This stage is primarily responsible for increasing the initial gas pressure.
  2. Piston Compression Stage:
    • The pre-compressed gas then enters the piston compressor section.
    • The piston reciprocates within the cylinder, further compressing the gas to the desired high pressure.
    • This stage is responsible for achieving the final high-pressure output.


Screw piston compressors mainly consist of the following parts:

  1. Screw Compressor Section:
    • Screw Rotors: Responsible for the initial compression of the gas.
    • Casing: Houses the screw rotors, forming the compression chamber.
    • Inlet and Outlet Ports: Control the gas flow in and out.
  2. Piston Compressor Section:
    • Cylinder: Where the piston reciprocates.
    • Piston: Responsible for further compressing the gas.
    • Connecting Rod: Connects the piston to the crankshaft, transmitting power.
    • Crankshaft: Converts rotary motion into the piston’s reciprocating motion.
    • Valves: Control the gas flow in and out, including intake and discharge valves.
  3. Drive System:
    • Motor: Provides power.
    • Transmission System: Transmits the motor’s rotary motion to the screw rotors and crankshaft.
  4. Cooling System:
    • Because the compression process generates heat, the cooling system is used to maintain the compressor’s normal operating temperature.
    • Cooling methods can be air-cooled or water-cooled.
  5. Lubrication System:
    • The lubrication system reduces friction between moving parts and extends the compressor’s service life.
  6. Control System:
    • The control system monitors and controls the compressor’s operating parameters, such as pressure and temperature.

Working Characteristics:

  • Combines the high efficiency of screw compressors with the high-pressure capability of piston compressors.
  • Suitable for applications requiring relatively high pressure and a certain flow rate.
  • Relatively complex structure with higher maintenance requirements
  • 高效率: Combines the efficiency of screw compression with the high-pressure capability of piston compression.
  • Compact Design: Offers a smaller footprint compared to traditional reciprocating compressors.
  • 低维护: Reduces maintenance requirements compared to reciprocating compressors.
  • Wide Operating Range: Can handle a wide range of flow rates and pressures.
  • Reliable Performance: Provides consistent and reliable performance in demanding applications.


Keepwin 可根据流量/纯度/压力、使用环境、主要用途和客户的特殊要求,以具有竞争力的价格提供独立的解决方案。我们的压缩机增压器采用优质材料制成,并经过全面测试,以确保最佳质量。



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不要只听我们的一面之词:Keepwin 压缩机的卓越品质。世界各地的制造商都称赞 Keepwin 压缩机具有卓越的精度、耐用性、功率、速度和质量。请亲自了解 Keepwin 为什么是压缩机解决方案的可靠选择。



透明度是 KEEPWIN 的核心价值。 为了帮助您做出明智的决定,我们汇编了一份有关我们压缩机系统的常见问题清单。

成立于 2002 年、 奇普瑞 是一家历史悠久的活塞和隔膜压缩机制造商。我们在苏州和蚌埠设有生产基地,致力于提供可靠、节能和高品质的压缩解决方案。我们的目标是通过卓越的服务和创新的产品超越客户的期望。

KEEPWIN 提供各种类型的压缩机,包括螺杆式、螺杆活塞组合式、往复活塞式和无油隔膜式压缩机。我们先进的工程设计能力使我们能够为石油和天然气、化工、食品和氢能领域的苛刻应用提供量身定制的解决方案。

Keepwin 在设计和制造能够处理苛刻应用的压缩机方面有着良好的记录。我们的压缩机输出功率高达 3000 kW,排气压力高达 3200 bar,流量高达 60000 Nm³/h,适用于包括空气、氢气、氮气和腐蚀性气体在内的各种气体。

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我们设计和制造的压缩机符合 API 618 标准的严格要求。API 618 活塞式压缩机在炼油厂、天然气和氢气应用中具有高可靠性和低维护率的特点。

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