

100% Oil-Free

Specifically designed for demanding PBM applications, KEEPWIN PET oil free piston air compressors require very low maintenance having few moving parts and no components that can wear out. Their compact, innovative design delivers exceptional levels of reliability to keep your operation running smoothly at peak performance.

What Is Pet Blowing Compressor?


  • Type: Diesel driven or electrical motor
  • Power:Up t0 250KW
  • Speed:500~1450rpm
  • Discharge Pressure: Up to 40 bar
  • Flow range: 30M3/min
  • Type: V,W,M Type

Types of PET Blowing Compressors

Oil Free PET Blowing Compressor

应用: Oil-free PET compressors are primarily used in applications where compressed air purity is critical. They are commonly used in the production of PET bottles, caps, films, and labels. The clean, oil-free compressed air ensures that the final products meet stringent food-grade standards and avoid contamination. Specific applications include:   

  • Preform blowing: Oil-free air ensures the inner walls of PET preforms are clean and free from oil contamination.
  • PET cap production: Used to drive molds and blow molding processes, ensuring the quality and hygiene of bottle caps.
  • PET film production: Drives pneumatic components to maintain the flatness and quality of the film.
  • PET bottle labeling: Powers labeling machines to ensure labels are securely attached.

Oil-Less PET Blowing Compressors

应用: Oil-lubricated compressors find applications in auxiliary systems within PET bottle production lines where direct contact with food products is minimal. They are often used in:

  • Auxiliary equipment: Driving cooling systems, conveyor belts, and other non-food contact equipment.
  • PET bottle recycling: Used to power equipment for crushing and cleaning recycled PET bottles.

Why need Keepwin Pet Blowing Compressor?

Tired of contaminated air affecting your food products?

Our PET oil-free compressors deliver pure, clean air that meets the highest food safety standards.

Designed with low noise levels and minimal maintenance requirements, our compressors help create a cleaner, healthier production environment.

Experience the difference of oil-free technology today.

PET Compressors: High-Pressure Solutions for Polyethylene Terephthalate Processing

PET compressors are essential components in the production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a widely used thermoplastic polymer in various industries. Here’s a look at their key applications:  

  • PET Bottle Manufacturing:
    • Crucial for producing preforms, the initial stage in PET bottle production.
    • Provides the high-pressure air required for stretch blow molding, shaping the preforms into bottles.  
  • PET Resin Production:
    • Used in the polymerization process to create PET resin.
    • Ensures the precise control of gas pressure and flow needed for optimal resin quality.
  • PET Recycling:
    • Plays a vital role in recycling PET materials.
    • Compresses gases used in processes that break down and repurpose PET waste.
  • Other PET Processing:
    • Supports various other PET processing applications, including film and sheet production.
    • Provides compressed air for pneumatic systems and other equipment.

PET compressors are typically high-pressure reciprocating compressors designed to deliver the specific pressure and flow requirements of PET processing. Here’s a simplified explanation of their working principle:  

  • Intake:
    • Gas is drawn into the compressor cylinder through the intake valve.  
  • Compression:
    • A piston moves within the cylinder, compressing the gas to the desired pressure.  
  • Discharge:
    • The compressed gas is then discharged through the outlet valve, ready for use in PET processing.
  • Cooling:
    • Due to the high pressures involved, effective cooling systems are implemented to maintain optimal operating temperatures.
  • High-Pressure Reliability:
    • Engineered for consistent and reliable high-pressure performance, meeting the demanding needs of PET production.   
  • 能源效率:
    • Designed to minimize energy consumption, reducing operating costs.
  • 定制解决方案:
    • We offer tailored compressor solutions to meet specific customer requirements.
  • Robust Construction:
    • Built with high-quality materials and components for long-lasting durability.
  • Advanced Control Systems:
    • Equipped with advanced control systems for precise pressure and flow management.
  • 售后支持:
    • We provide comprehensive after-sales support, including maintenance and technical assistance.
  • Quality and Safety:
    • Our compressors are manufactured to the highest quality and safety standards.


Keepwin 可根据流量/纯度/压力、使用环境、主要用途和客户的特殊要求,以具有竞争力的价格提供独立的解决方案。我们的压缩机增压器采用优质材料制成,并经过全面测试,以确保最佳质量。


发现 keepwin 的与众不同

全世界的制造商都将 Keepwin 作为顶级压缩机制造商,这是有原因的。从工业制造到能源工业,以及介于两者之间的所有领域,我们的系统 20 多年来一直深受 100 多个国家和地区的信赖。

准备好将您的行业提升到新的高度了吗?继续阅读,了解 Keepwin 为何是气体压缩机的不二之选


按照 ISO9001 ISO14001 标准生产。获得 CE TUV ASMI 等证书


经验丰富的工程师,拥有 39 年丰富的压缩机设计专业知识




从近 22 年的经验中获益。


他们对于 keepwin 的评价

不要只听我们的一面之词:Keepwin 压缩机的卓越品质。世界各地的制造商都称赞 Keepwin 压缩机具有卓越的精度、耐用性、功率、速度和质量。请亲自了解 Keepwin 为什么是压缩机解决方案的可靠选择。



透明度是 KEEPWIN 的核心价值。 为了帮助您做出明智的决定,我们汇编了一份有关我们压缩机系统的常见问题清单。

成立于 2002 年、 奇普瑞 是一家历史悠久的活塞和隔膜压缩机制造商。我们在苏州和蚌埠设有生产基地,致力于提供可靠、节能和高品质的压缩解决方案。我们的目标是通过卓越的服务和创新的产品超越客户的期望。

KEEPWIN 提供各种类型的压缩机,包括螺杆式、螺杆活塞组合式、往复活塞式和无油隔膜式压缩机。我们先进的工程设计能力使我们能够为石油和天然气、化工、食品和氢能领域的苛刻应用提供量身定制的解决方案。

Keepwin 在设计和制造能够处理苛刻应用的压缩机方面有着良好的记录。我们的压缩机输出功率高达 3000 kW,排气压力高达 3200 bar,流量高达 60000 Nm³/h,适用于包括空气、氢气、氮气和腐蚀性气体在内的各种气体。

我们的经销商遍布全球。我们的代理商是我们团队的重要组成部分,为客户提供全方位的服务。事实上,您可以从我们的专业代理商那里获得我们的全部产品和服务。 联系我们 我们将为您推荐附近的经销商。

我们设计和制造的压缩机符合 API 618 标准的严格要求。API 618 活塞式压缩机在炼油厂、天然气和氢气应用中具有高可靠性和低维护率的特点。

作为您的一站式气体压缩机解决方案供应商,Keepwin 提供从制造、安装到全面培训的端到端服务。这可确保您获得最大的投资效益,而不会出现任何延误。




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电话:0512-80620906/+86 13910684359
电子邮件: keepwin@keep-win.com



中国江苏省苏州市新会湖 A-922.




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