

CNG & Natural gas compressors are indispensable in the development of a sustainable transportation infrastructure, powering everything from city buses to long-haul trucks with clean, affordable natural gas.

What Is CNG & Natural Gas Compressors?

CNG & Natural gas compressors are indispensable in the development of a sustainable transportation infrastructure, powering everything from city buses to long-haul trucks with clean, affordable natural gas.

  • Type: V W M D Type
  • Inlet Pressure: Micro Positive Pressure
  • Discharge Pressure: 25Mpa
  • Flow rate: ~3600Nm3/h
  • 防爆控制柜和风冷/水冷式控制柜可根据客户要求定制
  • Motor Power: 15KW-400KW
  • Gas Medium: CNG

Types of CNG Compressor

Double VF Type Compressor

D Type Compressor

W Type Compressor

M Type Compressor

Why CNG Compressor

1. CNG Refueling Stations:

  • This is the most prominent application of CNG compressors. They compress low-pressure natural gas to high pressure, storing it in high-pressure tanks for refueling CNG vehicles.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Fueling various CNG vehicles, including cars, buses, and trucks.
    • Serving as critical infrastructure for urban public transportation and taxi services.
    • Providing fuel for CNG trucks in long-haul transportation.

2. Industrial Applications:

  • CNG compressors supply high-pressure natural gas for fuel or process gas in industrial settings.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Fueling industrial boilers and furnaces for heating and drying processes.
    • Providing process gas for chemical and metallurgical industries.
    • Fueling natural gas power plants for electricity generation.

3. Marine Applications:

  • With increasing environmental awareness, CNG is gaining popularity as a marine fuel. CNG compressors are used to fuel CNG-powered vessels.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Fueling inland and coastal vessels to reduce emissions.
    • Handling evaporated natural gas on LNG (liquefied natural gas) carriers.

4. Residential Applications:

  • In some regions, CNG is used for home heating and cooking. CNG compressors are used to boost low-pressure natural gas to suitable residential pressures.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Fueling residential heating systems.
    • Fueling household gas appliances.

5. Other Applications:

  • CNG compressors are also used in natural gas pipeline transportation and storage.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Boosting pressure in natural gas pipelines to improve transmission efficiency.
    • Compressing natural gas for high-pressure storage in storage facilities.

The working principle of a reciprocating piston CNG compressor relies on the back-and-forth motion of a piston within a cylinder to compress the gas. The process typically involves the following stages:  

  1. Intake Stroke:
    • The piston moves downwards, increasing the volume within the cylinder.
    • This creates a vacuum, causing the intake valve to open and allowing low-pressure CNG to enter the cylinder.
  2. Compression Stroke:
    • The piston moves upwards, reducing the volume within the cylinder.  
    • This compresses the trapped CNG, increasing its pressure.  
    • Both the intake and discharge valves remain closed during this stage.
  3. Discharge Stroke:
    • As the piston continues its upward motion, the pressure within the cylinder exceeds the discharge pressure.
    • This causes the discharge valve to open, and the high-pressure CNG is expelled from the cylinder.  
  4. Expansion/Clearance Stroke:
    • Once the discharge stroke is completed, a small amount of gas remains in the cylinder. This amount of gas is called the clearance gas.  
    • The piston then begins its downward motion, allowing this gas to re-expand.
    • This prepares the cylinder for the next intake stroke.

Key Components:

Reciprocating piston CNG compressors consist of several essential components that contribute to their operation:  

  • Cylinder:
    • The cylindrical chamber where the piston moves, facilitating gas compression.  
  • Piston:
    • A cylindrical component that moves back and forth within the cylinder, compressing the gas.  
  • Piston Rings:
    • Seals between the piston and cylinder wall, preventing gas leakage and maintaining compression efficiency.  
  • Crankshaft:
    • Converts rotary motion from the motor into reciprocating motion for the piston.  
  • Connecting Rod:
    • Connects the piston to the crankshaft, transmitting the reciprocating motion.  
  • Intake Valve:
    • Allows low-pressure CNG to enter the cylinder during the intake stroke.
  • Discharge Valve:
    • Allows high-pressure CNG to exit the cylinder during the discharge stroke.  
  • Cooling System:
    • CNG compression generates heat, so cooling systems (air or water) are essential to maintain optimal operating temperatures.
  • Lubrication System:
    • Lubricates moving parts to reduce friction and wear.
  • Control System:
    • Monitors and controls compressor operation, including pressure, temperature, and flow rate.
  • Frame/Casing:
    • Provides structural support for all the internal components.
  • Motor:
    • Provides the power to the crankshaft.

Key Considerations:


  • Reciprocating compressors are known for their ability to achieve high pressures.  
  • Multi-stage compression is often used to achieve very high pressures and improve efficiency.
  • Proper maintenance and lubrication are crucial for reliable and efficient operation.   
  • Uncompromising Quality:
    • “We prioritize quality above all else, ensuring our compressors deliver exceptional performance and longevity.”
    • “Our commitment to excellence translates into reliable operation and minimal downtime.”
  • Premium Components:
    • “We utilize only the finest components from industry-leading manufacturers.”
    • “Our compressors feature:
      • HORBIGER valves for superior gas control.
      • Yokogawa or Rosemount transmitters for precise measurement.
      • Schneider Electric electrical components for robust performance.
      • Siemens PLC for advanced control and automation.
      • ABB or equivalent motors for reliable power.”
    • “These high-quality components guarantee the durability and efficiency of our compressors.”
  • Advanced Engineering:
    • “Our compressors are designed with cutting-edge engineering principles, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency.”
    • “We leverage advanced technology to deliver compressors that exceed industry standards.”
  • Reliability and Durability:
    • “Engineered for continuous operation in demanding environments, our compressors are built to last.”
    • “Our robust design and high-quality materials ensure years of reliable service.”
  • 增强安全性:
    • “Safety is paramount in our designs, with features that minimize risks and ensure secure operation.”
    • “We adhere to strict safety standards to provide you with a safe and reliable product.”
  • 定制解决方案:
    • “We understand that every application is unique. We offer customized compressor solutions tailored to your specific needs.”
    • “Our team of experts will work with you to design a compressor system that meets your exact requirements.”
  • Exceptional Performance:
    • “Our compressors deliver high efficiency and consistent performance, maximizing your productivity.”
    • “Experience the difference of a compressor engineered for excellence.”
  • Comprehensive Support:
    • “We provide comprehensive after-sales support, including installation, maintenance, and technical assistance.”
    • “Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you.”


Keepwin 可根据流量/纯度/压力、使用环境、主要用途和客户的特殊要求,以具有竞争力的价格提供独立的解决方案。我们的压缩机增压器采用优质材料制成,并经过全面测试,以确保最佳质量。



发现 keepwin 的与众不同

全世界的制造商都将 Keepwin 作为顶级压缩机制造商,这是有原因的。从工业制造到能源工业,以及介于两者之间的所有领域,我们的系统 20 多年来一直深受 100 多个国家和地区的信赖。

准备好将您的行业提升到新的高度了吗?继续阅读,了解 Keepwin 为何是气体压缩机的不二之选


按照 ISO9001 ISO14001 标准生产。获得 CE TUV ASMI 等证书


经验丰富的工程师,拥有 39 年丰富的压缩机设计专业知识




从近 22 年的经验中获益。


他们对于 keepwin 的评价

不要只听我们的一面之词:Keepwin 压缩机的卓越品质。世界各地的制造商都称赞 Keepwin 压缩机具有卓越的精度、耐用性、功率、速度和质量。请亲自了解 Keepwin 为什么是压缩机解决方案的可靠选择。



透明度是 KEEPWIN 的核心价值。 为了帮助您做出明智的决定,我们汇编了一份有关我们压缩机系统的常见问题清单。

成立于 2002 年、 奇普瑞 是一家历史悠久的活塞和隔膜压缩机制造商。我们在苏州和蚌埠设有生产基地,致力于提供可靠、节能和高品质的压缩解决方案。我们的目标是通过卓越的服务和创新的产品超越客户的期望。

KEEPWIN 提供各种类型的压缩机,包括螺杆式、螺杆活塞组合式、往复活塞式和无油隔膜式压缩机。我们先进的工程设计能力使我们能够为石油和天然气、化工、食品和氢能领域的苛刻应用提供量身定制的解决方案。

Keepwin 在设计和制造能够处理苛刻应用的压缩机方面有着良好的记录。我们的压缩机输出功率高达 3000 kW,排气压力高达 3200 bar,流量高达 60000 Nm³/h,适用于包括空气、氢气、氮气和腐蚀性气体在内的各种气体。

我们的经销商遍布全球。我们的代理商是我们团队的重要组成部分,为客户提供全方位的服务。事实上,您可以从我们的专业代理商那里获得我们的全部产品和服务。 联系我们 我们将为您推荐附近的经销商。

我们设计和制造的压缩机符合 API 618 标准的严格要求。API 618 活塞式压缩机在炼油厂、天然气和氢气应用中具有高可靠性和低维护率的特点。

作为您的一站式气体压缩机解决方案供应商,Keepwin 提供从制造、安装到全面培训的端到端服务。这可确保您获得最大的投资效益,而不会出现任何延误。




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电子邮件: keepwin@keep-win.com



中国江苏省苏州市新会湖 A-922.




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