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오일 프리 다이어프램 컴프레서

Diaphragm compressor is a specialized type of positive displacement compressor that uses a flexible diaphragm to compress a gas or liquid. Unlike traditional piston compressors, diaphragm compressors offer a unique combination of precision, safety, and versatility, making them ideal for a wide range of applications.

What Is Oil Free Diaphragm Compressor?

Diaphragm compressor is a specialized type of positive displacement compressor that uses a flexible diaphragm to compress a gas or liquid. Unlike traditional piston compressors, diaphragm compressors offer a unique combination of precision, safety, and versatility, making them ideal for a wide range of applications.

  • Type: Z, L, V, D,  Type
  • Discharge Pressure:Up to 320Mpa 
  • Motor Power: 15KW-335KW
  • Piston Force: 10kN~250kN
  • Rotational speed range: 300-585 r /min
  • Flow range: 1000Nm3/h
  • Gas Medium: Hydrogen, Oxygen gas, HeliumGas,

Types of diaphragm compressor

D 타입 컴프레서

Z Type Compressor

V Type Compressor

L Type Compressor

Diaphragm Compressor

Diaphragm Compressors

Diaphragm compressors are a type of positive displacement compressor that uses a flexible diaphragm to compress gases. They offer several advantages over other types of compressors, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.   


  • Petrochemical Industry:
    • Used for compressing and transferring various process gases, including hydrogen, natural gas, and chlorine.   
  • Gas Transfer and Storage:
    • Employed in the transportation and storage of gases like natural gas and hydrogen.   
  • Laboratory and Analytical Instruments:
    • Provide high-purity, contamination-free compressed gases for sensitive instruments.   
  • Food and Pharmaceutical Industries:
    • Used for compressing food-grade gases, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen, and sterile gases in pharmaceutical production.
  • Nuclear Industry:
    • Handle radioactive gases, ensuring safe and reliable operation.
  • Electronics Industry:
    • Supply high-purity process gases for semiconductor manufacturing.

Suction Pressure: 0 – 25 MPa

Discharge Pressure: Up to 250 MPa

Flow Rate: Up to 1000 Nm³/h

Piston Force: 10 kN (Kilonewton) – 250 kN

Speed: 330 – 500 rpm

Power: Up to 335 kW

iaphragm compressors are engineered with several key components that work in harmony to achieve efficient and contamination-free gas compression. Here’s a breakdown of these essential parts:

  • Diaphragm:
    • This is the core of the compressor. Typically made from flexible materials like Teflon or specialized elastomers, the diaphragm is responsible for the actual compression of the gas.
    • It creates a sealed compression chamber, preventing contact between the gas and the compressor’s mechanical parts.
  • Compression Chamber:
    • The space where the gas is compressed. It’s formed by the diaphragm and the compressor’s head.
    • The design of the compression chamber is crucial for optimizing compression efficiency.
  • Reciprocating Mechanism:
    • This system drives the movement of the diaphragm. It usually consists of:
      • 크랭크샤프트: Converts rotary motion into reciprocating motion.
      • 커넥팅 로드: Transfers the crankshaft’s motion to the diaphragm.
      • Piston (or Hydraulic System): Some designs utilize a piston or hydraulic fluid to actuate the diaphragm.
  • Inlet and Outlet Valves:
    • These valves control the flow of gas into and out of the compression chamber.
    • They are designed to open and close at precise intervals, ensuring efficient gas intake and discharge.
  • Compressor Head:
    • The housing that contains the compression chamber and the valves.
    • It’s designed to withstand the pressures generated during compression.
  • Drive Motor:
    • Provides the power to drive the reciprocating mechanism.
    • The motor’s specifications are determined by the compressor’s required pressure and flow rate.
  • Frame and Casing:
    • Provides structural support for the compressor and houses the internal components.
    • It also helps to reduce noise and vibration.
  • Cooling System (Optional):
    • Some diaphragm compressors may include a cooling system to dissipate heat generated during compression.
    • This helps to maintain optimal operating temperatures.

These components work together to provide a reliable and efficient means of compressing gases, particularly in applications where purity and leak-free operation are critical.


  • Leak-free: The diaphragm seal eliminates gas leakage.
  • High purity: Avoids oil contamination, delivering high-purity gas.  
  • Safe and reliable: Suitable for handling toxic, flammable, and explosive gases.  
  • Low maintenance: Simple design with minimal maintenance requirements.
  • Contamination free: Because the gas only comes into contact with the diaphragm and the compression chamber, the gas is not contaminated by lubricants.  


  • Limited pressure and flow: Compared to other compressor types, diaphragm compressors may have limitations in terms of maximum pressure and flow rate.  
  • Diaphragm wear: The diaphragm is a wear item and may require periodic replacement.  
  • Cost: The initial cost of diaphragm compressors can be higher than some other types of compressors.  
  • Sensitive to temperature: Diaphragm materials can be sensitive to extreme temperatures.

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