This compressor merges screw and piston technologies, providing versatile performance for diverse industrial needs. It’s known for its ability to handle a wide range of flow rates and pressures.
This compressor merges screw and piston technologies, providing versatile performance for diverse industrial needs. It’s known for its ability to handle a wide range of flow rates and pressures.
This compressor merges screw and piston technologies, providing versatile performance for diverse industrial needs. It’s known for its ability to handle a wide range of flow rates and pressures.
Screw piston compressors, also known as hybrid compressors, combine the advantages of screw compressors and reciprocating piston compressors. This unique design leads to a versatile range of applications:
1. Natural Gas Compression:
2. Industrial Gas Compression:
3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:
4. Other Applications:
The working principle of a screw piston compressor can be divided into two main stages: the screw compression stage and the piston compression stage.
Screw piston compressors mainly consist of the following parts:
Working Characteristics:
Keepwin offers independent solutions according to flow/purity/pressure, usage environment, main application, and special customer requirements at a competitive prices. Our compressor booster is made of high-quality materials and has been tested thoroughly to ensure the best quality.
There’s a reason why manufacturers worldwide turn to Keepwin as the top compressor manufacturer. From industrial manufacturing to energy industrial and everything in between, our systems have been trusted in 100+ countries and regions for 20+ years.
Ready to take your industry to new heights? Continue reading to learn what makes Keepwin the clear choice for gas compressors
ISO9001 ISO14001の標準として製造される。CE TUV ASMI等の証明書を取得しました。
透明性はKEEPWINのコアバリューです。 コンプレッサーシステムに関するよくある質問をまとめました。
2002年設立、 キープウィン は、ピストンおよびダイヤフラムコンプレッサーの老舗メーカーです。蘇州と蚌埠に生産拠点を持ち、信頼性が高く、エネルギー効率の高い、高品質の圧縮ソリューションを提供することに専念しています。卓越したサービスと革新的な製品を通じて、お客様の期待を超えることを目標としています。
Keepwinは、要求の厳しい用途に対応できるコンプレッサの設計と製造に実績があります。当社のコンプレッサは、最大出力3000 kW、最大吐出圧力3200 bar、最大流量60000 Nm³/hを実現し、空気、水素、窒素、腐食性ガスなど、さまざまなガスに適しています。
We have dealers worldwide. Our agents are an essential part of our team, providing a full range of services to our customers. In fact, you can receive the entirety of our products and services from our professional agents. お問い合わせ and we will propose a dealer near you.
当社のコンプレッサは、API 618規格の厳しい要件を満たすように設計・製造されています。API 618レシプロコンプレッサは、製油所、天然ガス、および水素アプリケーションで高い信頼性と低メンテナンスを実現します。