Compressore di gas idrogeno
Hydrogen gas is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, flammable gas that is the lightest element on the periodic table. It has a wide range of applications due to its unique properties, including high energy density and clean combustion.
Hydrogen gas compressors are essential equipment used to increase the pressure of hydrogen gas. They find applications in various industries, such as:
- Fuel cell electric vehicles
- Chemical production
- Aerospace
- Electronics
Keepwin Diaphragm Hydrogen Compressor: Powering the Future of Hydrogen Fueling
- Model: GD-500/25-400
- Type: D type Two stages Double action Water cooled Oil-Free
- Capacity: 500Nm3/h
- Suction Pressure: 25bar
- Discharge pressure: 400bar
- Speed: 420r/min
- Water consumption: 10t/h
- Motor power: 110Kw
- Motor: Y Series Asynchronism High efficient DIICT4 Explosion-proof
- Dimension: 4300*3000*2000
- Weight: 14700kg
Application of Hydrogen Compressors in Hydrogen Refueling Stations
Hydrogen compressors are essential components of hydrogen refueling stations. Their primary function is to compress low-pressure hydrogen gas to high pressure to meet the fueling demands of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Working Principle Hydrogen compressors convert mechanical energy into the compression of hydrogen gas. When hydrogen enters the compression chamber, a piston or rotor compresses the gas, reducing its volume and increasing its pressure. Through multiple stages of compression, the hydrogen reaches the required pressure for refueling stations, typically 20-90 MPa.
What’s the Hydrogen Refueling Stations ?
- Hydrogen Storage: High-pressure hydrogen is stored in storage tanks to meet the continuous fueling needs of vehicles.
- Hydrogen Fueling: High-pressure hydrogen is dispensed into a vehicle’s hydrogen fuel cell system through a fueling dispenser.
- Ensuring Hydrogen Purity: Hydrogen compressors are often equipped with efficient filtration systems to ensure the purity of the hydrogen dispensed into vehicles.
How Dose the Hydrogen Compressor Working in a Hydrogen Refueling Station?
- Low-pressure Hydrogen Inlet: Low-pressure hydrogen enters the compressor from the hydrogen supply source.
- Multi-stage Compression: The hydrogen undergoes multiple stages of compression within the compressor, gradually increasing its pressure.
- Cooling: The heat generated during compression is dissipated through a cooling system.
- Hydrogen Storage: The high-pressure hydrogen is transported to the storage tank for storage.
- Hydrogen Fueling: Vehicles enter the refueling station and receive high-pressure hydrogen from the fueling dispenser into their hydrogen fuel cell system.
Three Importances of Hydrogen Compressors in Hydrogen Refueling Stations
- Ensuring Operating Efficiency: High-efficiency hydrogen compressors improve the operating efficiency of refueling stations and reduce fueling time.
- Ensuring Hydrogen Quality: High-purity hydrogen extends the lifespan of fuel cells and improves vehicle performance.
- Safety Assurance: Hydrogen compressors must have comprehensive safety protection measures to ensure the safe operation of refueling stations.
Five Benefits for Hydrogen Refueling Station Operators
By choosing a Keepwin diaphragm hydrogen compressor, refueling station operators can benefit from:
- Reduced operating costs: High efficiency and minimal maintenance requirements contribute to lower operating costs.
- Improved reliability: The robust design and advanced materials ensure long-term reliability.4000 hours non stop operation.
- Enhanced safety: The diaphragm design and safety features minimize the risk of accidents.
- Compliance with industry standards: Keepwin compressors meet or exceed all relevant industry standards and regulations.
- Environmental sustainability: 100% oil free, 0 Pollution to the gas medium.
Perché scegliere noi
scopra la differenza di keepwin
C'è un motivo per cui i produttori di tutto il mondo si rivolgono a Keepwin come il miglior produttore di compressori. Dall'industria manifatturiera all'industria energetica e tutto il resto, i nostri sistemi sono affidabili in oltre 100 Paesi e regioni da oltre 20 anni.
È pronto a portare il suo settore a nuovi livelli? Continui a leggere per scoprire cosa rende Keepwin la scelta ideale per i compressori di gas.
Controllo di qualità rigoroso
Prodotto secondo lo standard ISO9001 ISO14001. Certificato CE TUV ASMI ecc.
Ingegneri esperti
Ingegnere di grande esperienza, con 39 anni di vasta esperienza nella progettazione di compressori.
Consulenza e personalizzazione
Dalla progettazione all'installazione, la nostra soluzione di compressori le fa risparmiare tempo e fatica.
Migliore fabbrica e premio per l'energia
beneficiando di quasi 22 anni di esperienza.
Come lavoriamo
Le nostre soluzioni le consentono di lavorare facilmente sul suo progetto
Da anni, Keepwin è un produttore leader di compressori ad alte prestazioni, al servizio di una vasta gamma di settori industriali. Grazie alla nostra vasta esperienza nel campo della ricerca e sviluppo, possiamo fornire soluzioni personalizzate per soddisfare le sue esigenze specifiche. La nostra rete globale di distributori offre un'affidabile assistenza post-vendita, per garantire che le sue operazioni si svolgano senza problemi.
Design & Caculate
Calcoli e progettazione precisi, basati sulle sue esigenze e sulle condizioni del sito.
Lavorazione e assemblaggio
Acquistare le materie prime, forgiare i componenti e assemblare il compressore.
Esecuzione di prova e verniciatura
Viene sottoposto a un test di fabbrica di 4 ore in condizioni di azoto.
spedizione e commissioni
Consegniamo il compressore alla sua sede e forniamo la messa in servizio in loco.