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Kompresor CNG & Gas Alam

CNG & Natural gas compressors are indispensable in the development of a sustainable transportation infrastructure, powering everything from city buses to long-haul trucks with clean, affordable natural gas.

What Is CNG & Natural Gas Compressors?

CNG & Natural gas compressors are indispensable in the development of a sustainable transportation infrastructure, powering everything from city buses to long-haul trucks with clean, affordable natural gas.

  • Type: V W M D Type
  • Inlet Pressure: Micro Positive Pressure
  • Discharge Pressure: 25Mpa
  • Flow rate: ~3600Nm3/h
  • Explosion proof control cabinet & air cooled/water cooled can be customized
  • Motor Power: 15KW-400KW
  • Gas Medium: CNG

Types of CNG Compressor

Double VF Type Compressor

D Type Compressor

W Type Compressor

M Type Compressor

Why CNG Compressor

1. CNG Refueling Stations:

  • This is the most prominent application of CNG compressors. They compress low-pressure natural gas to high pressure, storing it in high-pressure tanks for refueling CNG vehicles.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Fueling various CNG vehicles, including cars, buses, and trucks.
    • Serving as critical infrastructure for urban public transportation and taxi services.
    • Providing fuel for CNG trucks in long-haul transportation.

2. Industrial Applications:

  • CNG compressors supply high-pressure natural gas for fuel or process gas in industrial settings.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Fueling industrial boilers and furnaces for heating and drying processes.
    • Providing process gas for chemical and metallurgical industries.
    • Fueling natural gas power plants for electricity generation.

3. Marine Applications:

  • With increasing environmental awareness, CNG is gaining popularity as a marine fuel. CNG compressors are used to fuel CNG-powered vessels.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Fueling inland and coastal vessels to reduce emissions.
    • Handling evaporated natural gas on LNG (liquefied natural gas) carriers.

4. Residential Applications:

  • In some regions, CNG is used for home heating and cooking. CNG compressors are used to boost low-pressure natural gas to suitable residential pressures.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Fueling residential heating systems.
    • Fueling household gas appliances.

5. Other Applications:

  • CNG compressors are also used in natural gas pipeline transportation and storage.
  • Detailed Applications:
    • Boosting pressure in natural gas pipelines to improve transmission efficiency.
    • Compressing natural gas for high-pressure storage in storage facilities.

The working principle of a reciprocating piston CNG compressor relies on the back-and-forth motion of a piston within a cylinder to compress the gas. The process typically involves the following stages:  

  1. Intake Stroke:
    • The piston moves downwards, increasing the volume within the cylinder.
    • This creates a vacuum, causing the intake valve to open and allowing low-pressure CNG to enter the cylinder.
  2. Compression Stroke:
    • The piston moves upwards, reducing the volume within the cylinder.  
    • This compresses the trapped CNG, increasing its pressure.  
    • Both the intake and discharge valves remain closed during this stage.
  3. Discharge Stroke:
    • As the piston continues its upward motion, the pressure within the cylinder exceeds the discharge pressure.
    • This causes the discharge valve to open, and the high-pressure CNG is expelled from the cylinder.  
  4. Expansion/Clearance Stroke:
    • Once the discharge stroke is completed, a small amount of gas remains in the cylinder. This amount of gas is called the clearance gas.  
    • The piston then begins its downward motion, allowing this gas to re-expand.
    • This prepares the cylinder for the next intake stroke.

Key Components:

Reciprocating piston CNG compressors consist of several essential components that contribute to their operation:  

  • Cylinder:
    • The cylindrical chamber where the piston moves, facilitating gas compression.  
  • Piston:
    • A cylindrical component that moves back and forth within the cylinder, compressing the gas.  
  • Piston Rings:
    • Seals between the piston and cylinder wall, preventing gas leakage and maintaining compression efficiency.  
  • Crankshaft:
    • Converts rotary motion from the motor into reciprocating motion for the piston.  
  • Connecting Rod:
    • Connects the piston to the crankshaft, transmitting the reciprocating motion.  
  • Intake Valve:
    • Allows low-pressure CNG to enter the cylinder during the intake stroke.
  • Discharge Valve:
    • Allows high-pressure CNG to exit the cylinder during the discharge stroke.  
  • Cooling System:
    • CNG compression generates heat, so cooling systems (air or water) are essential to maintain optimal operating temperatures.
  • Lubrication System:
    • Lubricates moving parts to reduce friction and wear.
  • Control System:
    • Monitors and controls compressor operation, including pressure, temperature, and flow rate.
  • Frame/Casing:
    • Provides structural support for all the internal components.
  • Motor:
    • Provides the power to the crankshaft.

Key Considerations:


  • Reciprocating compressors are known for their ability to achieve high pressures.  
  • Multi-stage compression is often used to achieve very high pressures and improve efficiency.
  • Proper maintenance and lubrication are crucial for reliable and efficient operation.   
  • Uncompromising Quality:
    • “We prioritize quality above all else, ensuring our compressors deliver exceptional performance and longevity.”
    • “Our commitment to excellence translates into reliable operation and minimal downtime.”
  • Premium Components:
    • “We utilize only the finest components from industry-leading manufacturers.”
    • “Our compressors feature:
      • HORBIGER valves for superior gas control.
      • Yokogawa or Rosemount transmitters for precise measurement.
      • Schneider Electric electrical components for robust performance.
      • Siemens PLC for advanced control and automation.
      • ABB or equivalent motors for reliable power.”
    • “These high-quality components guarantee the durability and efficiency of our compressors.”
  • Advanced Engineering:
    • “Our compressors are designed with cutting-edge engineering principles, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency.”
    • “We leverage advanced technology to deliver compressors that exceed industry standards.”
  • Reliability and Durability:
    • “Engineered for continuous operation in demanding environments, our compressors are built to last.”
    • “Our robust design and high-quality materials ensure years of reliable service.”
  • Enhanced Safety:
    • “Safety is paramount in our designs, with features that minimize risks and ensure secure operation.”
    • “We adhere to strict safety standards to provide you with a safe and reliable product.”
  • Customized Solutions:
    • “We understand that every application is unique. We offer customized compressor solutions tailored to your specific needs.”
    • “Our team of experts will work with you to design a compressor system that meets your exact requirements.”
  • Exceptional Performance:
    • “Our compressors deliver high efficiency and consistent performance, maximizing your productivity.”
    • “Experience the difference of a compressor engineered for excellence.”
  • Comprehensive Support:
    • “We provide comprehensive after-sales support, including installation, maintenance, and technical assistance.”
    • “Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you.”

We serve for many customers

Keepwin offers independent solutions according to flow/purity/pressure, usage environment, main application, and special customer requirements at a competitive prices. Our compressor booster is made of high-quality materials and has been tested thoroughly to ensure the best quality.


Mengapa memilih kami

temukan perbedaan keepwin

Ada alasan mengapa produsen di seluruh dunia beralih ke Keepwin sebagai produsen kompresor teratas. Dari manufaktur industri hingga industri energi dan segala sesuatu di antaranya, sistem kami telah dipercaya di lebih dari 100 negara dan wilayah selama lebih dari 20 tahun.

Siap untuk membawa industri Anda ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi? Lanjutkan membaca untuk mengetahui apa yang membuat Keepwin menjadi pilihan yang jelas untuk kompresor gas

Kontrol Kualitas yang Ketat

Diproduksi sebagai standar ISO9001 ISO14001. Mendapat Sertifikat CE TUV ASMI Dll

Insinyur Berpengalaman

Insinyur yang sangat berpengalaman dengan 39 tahun keahlian desain kompresor yang luas

Konsultasi & penyesuaian

Dari desain hingga pemasangan, solusi kompresor kami menghemat waktu dan tenaga Anda.

Pabrik dan penghargaan Energi Terbaik

mendapatkan manfaat dari pengalaman selama hampir 22 tahun.


Apa yang Mereka katakan tentang keepwin

Jangan Hanya Percaya Kata-kata Kami: Keunggulan Kompresor Keepwin. Produsen di seluruh dunia telah memuji kompresor Keepwin karena keakuratan, daya tahan, kekuatan, kecepatan, dan kualitasnya yang luar biasa. Lihat sendiri mengapa Keepwin adalah pilihan tepercaya untuk solusi kompresor.

Pertanyaan Umum

Anda punya pertanyaan tentang pabrik kami? tanyakan di sini!

Transparansi adalah nilai inti di KEEPWIN. Untuk membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang tepat, kami telah menyusun daftar pertanyaan yang sering diajukan tentang sistem kompresor kami.

Didirikan pada tahun 2002, Keepwin adalah produsen kompresor piston dan diafragma yang mapan. Dengan fasilitas produksi di Suzhou dan Bengbu, kami berdedikasi untuk memberikan solusi kompresi yang andal, hemat energi, dan berkualitas tinggi. Tujuan kami adalah untuk melampaui harapan pelanggan melalui layanan yang luar biasa dan produk yang inovatif.

KEEPWIN menawarkan beragam jenis kompresor, termasuk sekrup, kombinasi sekrup-piston, piston bolak-balik, dan jenis diafragma bebas minyak. Kemampuan teknik kami yang canggih memungkinkan kami untuk memberikan solusi yang disesuaikan untuk aplikasi yang menuntut di sektor minyak & gas, kimia, makanan, dan energi hidrogen.

Keepwin memiliki rekam jejak yang terbukti dalam merancang dan membuat kompresor yang mampu menangani aplikasi yang berat. Kompresor kami dapat menghasilkan output daya hingga 3000 kW, tekanan pelepasan hingga 3200 bar, dan laju aliran hingga 60000 Nm³ / jam, sehingga cocok untuk berbagai macam gas termasuk udara, hidrogen, nitrogen, dan gas korosif.

Kami memiliki dealer di seluruh dunia. Agen kami adalah bagian penting dari tim kami, yang menyediakan berbagai layanan kepada pelanggan kami. Bahkan, Anda dapat menerima seluruh produk dan layanan kami dari agen profesional kami. Hubungi kami dan kami akan mengusulkan dealer di dekat Anda.

Kompresor kami dirancang dan diproduksi untuk memenuhi persyaratan ketat standar API 618. Kompresor reciprocating API 618 untuk keandalan tinggi dan perawatan yang rendah dalam aplikasi kilang, gas alam, dan hidrogen.

Sebagai penyedia solusi kompresor gas lengkap, Keepwin menawarkan layanan menyeluruh, mulai dari pembuatan dan pemasangan hingga pelatihan komprehensif. Hal ini memastikan Anda mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari investasi Anda tanpa penundaan.

Membuat janji temu


Dapatkan desain kompresor yang paling akurat dalam waktu singkat.

*Kami menghormati privasi Anda. Setelah dikirimkan, spesialis Keepwin kami yang berdedikasi akan menghubungi Anda secepatnya.

Kontak & pertanyaan

Mari kita mulai proyek dengan keepwin & hubungi Sekarang!

Kompresor kami sangat efisien, sehingga dapat memberi daya pada sebuah kota kecil... atau setidaknya kulkas yang sangat besar. Ingin melihatnya sendiri? Dapatkan penawaran hari ini!

Hotline 24 jam

Keepwin selalu merespons kebutuhan pelanggan dengan cepat dan bekerja ekstra untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

Tel: 0512-80620906/+86 13910684359

Alamat Kantor

Kami dengan hormat mengundang Anda untuk mengunjungi kantor & pabrik kami. Kami berharap dapat melayani Anda.

Xinhuihu A-922., Kota Suzhou, Jiangsu, Tiongkok

Membuat janji temu


Mulai berkomunikasi dengan teknisi profesional kami

*Kami menghormati privasi Anda. Setelah dikirimkan, spesialis Keepwin kami yang berdedikasi akan menghubungi Anda secepatnya.