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Pequeños compresores de pistón sin aceite

Experience the benefits of our oil-free piston compressors: reliable, efficient, and quiet operation. Ideal for applications requiring the highest levels of air purity, our compressors are designed to meet your most demanding needs.

What Is Small Oil Free Piston Compressors?

Experience the benefits of our oil-free piston compressors: reliable, efficient, and quiet operation. Ideal for applications requiring the highest levels of air purity, our compressors are designed to meet your most demanding needs.

  • Type: Z,  V, W,Type
  • Discharge Pressure:Up to 20Mpa 
  • Motor Power: 0.55KW-37KW
  • Cooling Method: Air cooling Water cooling
  • Rango de velocidad de rotación: 300-585 r /min
  • Flow range: 2~100Nm3/h
  • Gas Medium: Nitrogen, Oxygen gas, Helium Gas,

Types of diaphragm compressor

Z Type Compressor

Double W Type Compressor

SF6 Compressor

W Type Compressor

Why oil free piston Compressor

Oil-free piston compressors are widely used in industries with stringent air quality requirements due to their ability to provide clean, contamination-free compressed air. Here are some of their primary applications, especially those related to cylinder filling:

1. Cylinder Filling:

  • Medical Oxygen Cylinder Filling:
    • Oil-free compressors are used to compress and fill medical oxygen into cylinders, ensuring the oxygen’s purity for hospitals, clinics, and home oxygen therapy.
  • Industrial Gas Cylinder Filling:
    • Used for filling cylinders with industrial gases like nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide, meeting the needs of welding, food packaging, laboratory research, and more.
  • Breathing Air Cylinder Filling:
    • Diving, firefighting, and other fields require high-purity breathing air. Oil-free compressors fill these cylinders, ensuring respiratory safety.

2. Medical Industry:

  • Medical Device Actuation:
    • Drives dental equipment, ventilators, anesthesia machines, and other medical devices, providing clean compressed air.
  • Laboratory Analysis:
    • Supplies contamination-free compressed air for analytical instruments, ensuring accurate experimental results.

3. Food and Beverage Industry:

  • Food Packaging:
    • Used for gas filling in food packaging processes, such as modified atmosphere packaging, extending shelf life.
  • Beverage Production:
    • Used in beverage filling, bottle capping, and other processes, ensuring product hygiene and safety.

4. Electronics Industry:

  • Precision Instrument Cleaning:
    • Used to clean precision components like electronic components and integrated circuits, avoiding oil contamination.
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing:
    • Provides high-purity process gases in semiconductor production.

5. Laboratories and Research:

  • Gas Analysis:
    • Supplies pure compressed gas for gas analysis instruments.
  • Scientific Research:
    • Used in scientific experiments requiring contamination-free gas sources.

Characteristics of Oil-Free Piston Compressors:

  • Oil-Free Lubrication:
    • No lubricating oil is needed during the compression process, avoiding oil contamination and providing clean compressed air.
  • Low Maintenance Costs:
    • Reduces the cost of lubricating oil replacement and disposal.
  • Environmental Friendliness:
    • No oil emissions, environmentally friendly.
  • Wide Applicability:
    • Suitable for various industries with high air quality requirements.

Due to their ability to provide high-quality compressed air, oil-free piston compressors offer significant advantages in cylinder filling and other applications with strict gas purity requirements.

Oil-free piston compressors are designed to deliver clean, contaminant-free compressed air, making them ideal for applications where air purity is paramount. Here’s a breakdown pressors operate on the principle of reciprocating motion to compress air without the need for oil lubrication within the compression chamber. This is achieved through the use of materials with low friction coefficients and specialized sealing techniques. The process involves the following stages:   

  1. Intake Stroke:
    • As the piston moves downward within the cylinder, it creates a vacuum.
    • This vacuum draws in ambient air through the intake valve.
    • The intake valve opens, allowing air to enter the compression chamber.
  2. Compression Stroke:
    • The piston then moves upward, reducing the volume of the compression chamber.   
    • This action compresses the trapped air, increasing its pressure.   
    • Both the intake and discharge valves are closed during this stage.
  3. Discharge Stroke:
    • When the compressed air reaches the desired pressure, the discharge valve opens.
    • The piston continues its upward motion, forcing the compressed air out of the cylinder and into the discharge line.
  4. Expansion/Clearance Volume:
    • A small amount of air remains in the cylinder after the discharge stroke, known as the clearance volume.
    • This air expands during the initial part of the next intake stroke, preparing the cylinder for the next compression cycle.

Component Breakdown:

Oil-free piston compressors consist of several key components:

  • Cilindro:
    • The chamber where the piston reciprocates, forming the compression space.
    • Made of materials resistant to wear and corrosion.  
  • Pistón:
    • A cylindrical component that moves back and forth within the cylinder, compressing the air.  
    • Often made of materials like Teflon or other low-friction polymers.
  • Piston Rings:
    • Seals between the piston and cylinder wall, preventing air leakage and maintaining compression efficiency.
    • Made of materials that can operate without oil lubrication.
  • Cigüeñal:
    • Converts rotary motion from the motor into reciprocating motion for the piston.
  • Biela:
    • Connects the piston to the crankshaft, transmitting the reciprocating motion.
  • Intake Valve:
    • Allows air to enter the cylinder during the intake stroke.
    • Designed to open and close quickly and efficiently.
  • Discharge Valve:
    • Allows compressed air to exit the cylinder during the discharge stroke.
    • Also designed for rapid opening and closing.
  • Sistema de refrigeración:
    • Essential for dissipating heat generated during compression.
    • Can be air-cooled or water-cooled, depending on the compressor’s size and application.  
  • Motor:
    • Provides the power to drive the crankshaft.
    • Electric motors are most commonly used.
  • Air Filter:
    • Located on the intake side of the compressor, and cleans the incoming air.
  • Crankcase:
    • The housing that contains the crankshaft, connecting rod, and other internal components.  
  • Sistema de control:
    • Monitors and controls the compressor’s operation, including pressure, temperature, and other parameters.   

Experience Unmatched Reliability with Our Compressors: Engineered for Excellence

When it comes to your critical operations, you need a compressor you can depend on. That’s why we’ve engineered our compressors with a relentless focus on quality, durability, and performance.

Superior Material Selection:

  • “We meticulously select premium-grade materials, ensuring our compressors withstand the most demanding conditions.”
  • “From high-strength alloys to corrosion-resistant components, we build our compressors to last.”

Precision Manufacturing:

  • “Our state-of-the-art manufacturing processes guarantee precise tolerances and exceptional craftsmanship.”
  • “Every component is manufactured to the highest standards, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.”

Rigorous Quality Control:

  • “We implement stringent quality control measures at every stage of production.”
  • “Our comprehensive testing procedures ensure that every compressor meets our exacting standards.”

Comprehensive Pre-Shipment Testing:

  • “Before any compressor leaves our facility, it undergoes thorough testing to verify its performance and reliability.”
  • “We simulate real-world operating conditions to ensure your compressor is ready for immediate use.”

Unwavering After-Sales Support:

  • “Our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the sale.”
  • “We provide comprehensive after-sales support, 1 including spare parts availability and expert technical assistance.”

Exceptional Service:

  • “Our team of experienced technicians is always ready to provide prompt and professional service.”
  • “We offer a range of service options to keep your compressor running at peak performance.”


Invest in a compressor that delivers unmatched reliability and performance. Choose our compressors and experience the difference.

Servimos a muchos clientes

Keepwin ofrece soluciones independientes según el caudal/pureza/presión, el entorno de uso, la aplicación principal y los requisitos especiales del cliente a precios competitivos. Nuestro compresor booster está fabricado con materiales de alta calidad y ha sido sometido a pruebas exhaustivas para garantizar la mejor calidad.

Por qué elegirnos

descubra la diferencia keepwin

Hay una razón por la que los fabricantes de todo el mundo recurren a Keepwin como el mejor fabricante de compresores. Desde la fabricación industrial a la industria energética y todo lo que hay entre medias, nuestros sistemas gozan de la confianza de más de 100 países y regiones desde hace más de 20 años.

¿Listo para llevar su industria a nuevas cotas? Siga leyendo para saber qué hace de Keepwin la elección clara en compresores de gas

Estricto control de calidad

Fabricado según la norma ISO9001 ISO14001. Certificado CE TUV ASMI Etc

Ingenieros experimentados

Ingeniero altamente experimentado con 39 años de amplia experiencia en el diseño de compresores

Consulta y personalización

Desde el diseño hasta la instalación, nuestra solución de compresores le ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo.

Mejor fábrica de energía y premio

beneficiarse de casi 22 años de experiencia.


Lo que dicen de keepwin

No se fíe sólo de nuestra palabra: La excelencia de los compresores Keepwin. Fabricantes de todo el mundo han elogiado los compresores Keepwin por su excepcional precisión, durabilidad, potencia, velocidad y calidad. Compruebe usted mismo por qué Keepwin es la elección de confianza para soluciones de compresores.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿preguntas sobre nuestra fábrica? ¡pregunta aquí!

La transparencia es un valor fundamental en KEEPWIN. Para ayudarle a tomar una decisión informada, hemos recopilado una lista de preguntas frecuentes sobre nuestros sistemas de compresores.

Fundada en 2002, Keepwin es un fabricante bien establecido de compresores de pistón y de diafragma. Con instalaciones de producción en Suzhou y Bengbu, nos dedicamos a ofrecer soluciones de compresión fiables, energéticamente eficientes y de alta calidad. Nuestro objetivo es superar las expectativas de los clientes mediante un servicio excepcional y productos innovadores.

KEEPWIN ofrece una diversa gama de compresores, incluyendo los de tornillo, los de combinación tornillo-pistón, los de pistón alternativo y los de diafragma exentos de aceite. Nuestras avanzadas capacidades de ingeniería nos permiten ofrecer soluciones a medida para aplicaciones exigentes en los sectores del petróleo y el gas, químico, alimentario y de la energía del hidrógeno.

Keepwin tiene un historial probado de diseño y fabricación de compresores capaces de manejar aplicaciones exigentes. Nuestros compresores pueden suministrar potencias de hasta 3000 kW, presiones de descarga de hasta 3200 bar y caudales de hasta 60000 Nm³/h, lo que los hace adecuados para una amplia gama de gases, como aire, hidrógeno, nitrógeno y gases corrosivos.

Tenemos agentes en todo el mundo. Nuestros agentes son una parte esencial de nuestro equipo, ya que proporcionan una gama completa de servicios a nuestros clientes. De hecho, puede recibir la totalidad de nuestros productos y servicios a través de nuestros agentes profesionales. Póngase en contacto con nosotros y le propondremos un distribuidor cerca de usted.

Nuestros compresores están diseñados y fabricados para cumplir los estrictos requisitos de la norma API 618. Compresor alternativo API 618 de alta fiabilidad y bajo mantenimiento en aplicaciones de refinería, gas natural e hidrógeno.

Como proveedor integral de soluciones para compresores de gas, Keepwin le ofrece servicios de principio a fin, desde la fabricación y la instalación hasta una formación completa. Esto le garantiza sacar el máximo partido a su inversión sin retrasos.

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Consiga el diseño de compresor más preciso en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

*Respetamos su privacidad. Tras el envío, nuestros especialistas de Keepwin se pondrán en contacto con usted lo antes posible.

Contacto y consultas

¡Empecemos el proyecto con keepwin y contacte ahora !

Nuestros compresores son tan eficientes que podrían suministrar energía a una pequeña ciudad... o al menos a un frigorífico realmente grande. ¿Quiere comprobarlo usted mismo? ¡Pida presupuesto hoy mismo!

Línea directa 24 horas

Keepwin siempre responde con prontitud a las necesidades de los clientes y va más allá para resolver los problemas.

Tel: 0512-80620906/+86 13910684359
Correo electrónico: keepwin@keep-win.com

Dirección de la oficina

Le invitamos cordialmente a visitar nuestra oficina y fábrica. Esperamos poder servirle.

Xinhuihu A-922., Ciudad de Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

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*Respetamos su privacidad. Tras el envío, nuestros especialistas de Keepwin se pondrán en contacto con usted lo antes posible.